Brawner's Farm AAR- Turn 3
This is turn 3. It is the first twilight turn making command radii 4" instead of 8" and targets more than 4" away are treated as if in cover. This makes the Union guns, one battery of which is off board, and another on a knoll at the edge of the table, less effective. Moreover, now that the Rebels are getting closer, friendly troops are too close for the Union guns to bear.
The Confederates continue to be reinforced. More regiments from Lawton's brigade and Trimble's entire brigade make their appearance.
The remnants of the Stonewall brigade shake out into extended line to minimize the effect of Union musketry and screen the advance of reinforcements.
The Iron Brigade charges, hoping to sweep the Stonewall regiments back onto their advancing reinforcements.
Defensive Fire checks one of the Charges (oh look, I rolled another 10!)
7th Wisconsin Charge is checked.
19th Indiana charges and drives the 4 & 6th Virginia back on Brawner's farm house.
2nd Wisconsin charges home but is driven back by the remnants of the 33rd Va. and 27 Va. (in the middle).
To be continued.