Saturday, December 22, 2007

British Grenadiers AWI

Figures are by Front Rank. Flag courtesy of my friend Bill Nevins. Yes, I know that British Grenadiers did not carry flags, but I have the standard bearers and needed a figure to fill out this small unit of 12. So please forgive the historical inaccuracy!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

AWI Game

Alex and I played a small game today to try out (or re try) the Patriots and Loyalists rules by Scott Holder, with some modifications created by Alex. They're an interesting set of rules and certainly can give a fast game. I'm not completely sold on them though as they have some unusual features too. Here are some photos from the game.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Continental Command

Continental command. Front Rank figures. They are "generic" (i.e. not for any particular regiment). I assume that if any of the Continentals were well-uniformed it would have been the officers. So this unit has command in regimental uniforms while most of the rank and file have only hunting shirts. The flag is courtesy of Warflag.

17th Regt. of Foot (WIP)

Perry Miniatures British Infantry in cut down coat and slouch hat. Appropriate campaign dress for 1777. This is part of the 17th Regt. of Foot. They've got white facings with yellow lace, so it's a bit hard to see. I really like Perry's figures, but these haven't turned out quite as nice as I had hoped. I'm starting to think that I enjoy painting Front Rank most. But they don't do British in campaign dress, so...... More to come.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

An Action in Germania

The local tribes had recently been restless, culminating in the plunder of a merchant's caravan and the murder of its Roman traders. The local Governor ordered Tribune Gaius Phillipus to lead a vexillation to punish the tribe by burning one of its villages to the ground.

The Romans approach the village:

Alerted by some children playing in the fields, the men of the village array themselves to defend their homes while sending a messenger to summon help from a nearby chieftain:

The Germans foolishly sally outside of the walls of the village to engage their enemies.

But are charged themselves by the disciplined Legionaries.

And are defeated.

And pursued through the village and slaughtered by the advancing Romans

The Romans rush into the village and put the meager huts to the torch.

The local chieftain, Hrulfgar, nears the village, leading a force of warriors enraged by the sight of smoke pouring from the village.

While undoubtedly brave, the Germans lead by Hrulfgar are no more clever than their fellow tribesmen and dash themselves on the unshakeable Roman line.

Hrulfgar's band is defeated in its turn and the great chieftain is captured and lead away in chains to the local Roman outpost.

Daunted, but not disheartened by their loss, the Germans even now plan their counterstroke.
To be continued.........................

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Front Rank Continentals

A Continental Regiment, Front Rank figures. I intended it to be a Virginia regiment, with a mix of regimental coats and hunting shirts. I'm waiting for the command figures to arrive with another order. I'm not sure how I feel about the Front Rank Continentals. I know that I didn't do as nice a job as I have on some other figures.