Today Brian C., Rich and Byron P. played a Regimental Fire & Fury game at 7th Dimension Games in Jenkintown.
The scenario was the Battle of Hanover Court House, May 27, 1862, from the "On To Richmond" scenario book written for the Guns at Gettysburg Rules. The rules used were Regimental Fire & Fury and the figures were 15mm.
This is a small scenario (only 6 Confederate regiments, 3 Union regiments at initial deployment). The Confederate objective is to destroy the 3 Union regiments, the rearguard of the Union IVth Corps, before the reinforcements arrive. They have 8 turns to do so. There is a chance that the Union will receive two regiments in reinforcement from turn 4 on.
You'd think that outnumbering the Union 2 to 1 the Confederates wouldn't have much trouble, but then you wouldn't have counted on all the "1's" rolled by the Confederates or the amazing stand by the 44th NY.
Initial Union Deployment |
Confederate Deployment
Rebel's attack Union Right |
Confederate Left Advances
Union line moves back in an to avoid being outflanked. Martin's Battery is silenced and damaged by Rebel Musketry |
View from the Union Right
44th NY and 18th NC trade fire
Confederate Left flank, artillery in the center |
The Union Commander decides it's better to take the fight to the enemy than wait to be outflanked. The 44th NY supported by the 25th NY charges the 18th NC
18th NC driven back as the Union take their position. All Disordered |
While the 44th NY and 18th NC charge and counter-charge in the open, the 37th NC has moved through the woods and prepares to take the New Yorkers in the flank
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing your excellent report.
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