Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Brawner's Farm AAR- Confederate Turn 4

The Stonewall Brigade (less the 4th & 5th Virginia which have retreated to the swale in front of the Brawner house) supported by 20th Georgia leap forward to charge the 2nd Wisconsin, weathering the defensive fire, the attackers manage to close with cold steel.

Stonewall Brigade supported by 20th Ga charging (right side of photo)

To the left the 60th Georgia tries to charge the 7th Wisconsin closely supported by other regiments of Lawton's Brigade. The Wisconsin men unleash a withering fire!

Yes, another 10 rolled.

This checks the 60th Ga and drives it back through its supports.  This causes both the 60th Ga. and the supports to become disordered.

However, almost the entire Iron Brigade is now low on ammo.   Without the ability to resupply, the Union troops will be hard pressed to hold.

60th Ga and its supports in the foreground
In the meantime on the far left Trimbles brigade moves into position to outflank the Union forces in Brawner's field.

To be continued.

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